Rising Artist Spotlight x Alex Kinsey
Artist Interview: “Antisocial Person” by Alex Kinsey
Q: I love the vibe of “Antisocial Person”! I admire how you blended elements of indie pop and alternative rock, yet your unique & raspy vocals bring an almost folk feel to the song as well. What was your favorite part in creating this track?
ALEX KINSEY: Thank you! It’s cool that you mention all of that, because mixing genres and sounds and vibes is what makes me the happiest. Honestly, my favorite part of working on Antisocial Person was realizing that it was going to the be the first single I’d put out in 3 years. It’s been a fun song to figure out acoustically as well, most of my friends heard it at shows prior to hearing it recorded, so getting a good response before anyone heard the full production was really fun as well!
Q: Not only is “Antisocial Person” your first single released since 2019, but an entire global pandemic happened in between those years as well. How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect the way you created music?
ALEX: It has been far too long since the last EP, and the pandemic made it really easy for me to not realize that. All of a sudden, we’d been locked down for 2 years, and I didn’t know what to focus on. The pandemic really has altered how I create though… I’m a lot more open to the opportunities that come my way and the thought of putting out what I create, so many songs die on hard drives, and I don’t want to be a part of that tradition anymore haha.
Q: Going from being in a musical duo to your band BoTalks, what has taking the solo route done for you artistically?
ALEX: Well, I started making music solo, I played music professionally around Florida for 5+ years prior to X factor… so the transition from Duo, to band, to solo act has been super natural for me! I genuinely just LOVE making music, so if there is an opportunity for me to be able to do it in a fresh exciting capacity, I take it! And being in different styles of musical acts has taught me so much about what I like, what I don’t, and what suits me best for making music for myself.